Home Biological Resource Research for Mindanao

Jessie Gorospe

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Gorospe Jessie Mindanao State University- Naawan

Authors of the Following Research:


The socioeconomic and behavioral indicators are measures to know the students’ level of environmental awareness, sensitivity, and behavior towards understanding environmental issues. As such, this study was conducted among the students in secondary schools of Iligan City, Lanao del Norte. In-person survey interviews using semi-structured questionnaire were administered to 100 randomly selected respondents. Results showed that students had relatively high level of environmental awareness, possessed good attitudes towards recovery and recycling of materials, and high level of environmental consciousness. Statistical tests showed high significant differences among the students in urban and…

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A study determined the socio-economic factors influencing the biophysical and psychosocial conditions of the students, faculty and staff and stakeholders as survivors of Typhoon Washi (Sendong). This was done among the urban and rural schools in Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, Philippines. A total of 119 respondents from both urban and rural schools participated in this research. Using chi-square test, it revealed that for the faculty, the result was significantly different with P-value of 0.01. Among the students it revealed no significant differences at P-value of 0.99 and similarly among the…

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Environmental education helps students experience the natural world and life’s sustenance, healthy communities, and provision of food. Hence, as study was conducted should environmental education concept be carried out in the new educational system of the Philippines known as K-12 program for secondary education level. In-person survey interviews using semi-structured questionnaire were administered to 100 randomly selected respondents. Results showed that secondary teachers had embedded environmental concepts and principles in their teaching curriculum and that various teaching strategies were used in this context. Statistical tests showed no significant difference among the…

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