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Production of Cassava in Holes Using Different Organic Fertilizers


Production of Cassava in Holes Using Different Organic Fertilizers


Production, Cassava, Organic, Holes, Fertilizers


The study aimed to determine the growth and yield performance of cassava fertilized with different organic fertilizers: T1 – Cattle manure; T2 – Chicken dung; T3 – Vermicast; and T4 – Herbage planted in hole-based. An area of 646 square meters was laid out using randomized complete block design replicated three times. The study was conducted from July 2011 to March 2012 at the experimental area of J.H. Cerilles State College-Dumingag Campus, Dapiwak, Dumingag Zambaoanga del Sur. Each seed piece contains four active bud eyes planted in holes at a distance of once square meter by 0.30m depth.

The result of the study revealed that chicken dung has a considerable fertilizing value on the production of cassava considering the weight, circumference, and yield while the length and ROI are the results of herbage fertilization.


  1. To determine the growth and yield performance of cassava fertilized with different organic fertilizers


Experimental Method

Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)

Findings and Results:

The study revealed that chicken dung has a considerable fertilizing value on the production of cassava considering the weight, circumference, and yield while the length and ROI are the results of herbage fertilization.


This research is published at unpublished (2012, JHCSC-Dapiwak Campus)