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A study was conducted in Layasan, Bago, Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte on November 18 to December 31, 2007. The herbal plants used in the study were "malunggay", "mabuhay". Garlic and ginger as decoction. A Complete Randomized Design (CRD) was used in the study, it revealed that the highest weight gain was obtained from Treatment 1 (malunngay decoction) which is significantly higher than the use of garlic and mabuhay herbal plant. However, Treatment 1 had no significant difference from that of the control Treatment 0 and also in Treatment 4 (ginger decoction), but has significant difference among Treatment 2 and 3. It was further observed that Treatment 1 had the highest profit, followed by Treatment 0, then Treatment 2 , Treatment 3 and 4 were not profitable since both had higher expenses than its gross income.


To determine the effects of various herbal plants to the growth perforance of broilers.


Complete Randomized Design (CRD)

Findings and Results:

Birds in every treatment had different amount of feeds that they had consumed. Birds in Treatment 0 has a highest feed consumption where it consumed a total of 38.792 kg. of feeds followed by Treatment 1 with 37.556 kg. of feeds and the least was obtained from Treatrment 2 with 35.286 kg. of feeds. Treatment 1 had the highest feed conversion efficiency of 2.7, followed by Treatment 4 and the least was obtained from Treatment 2. Based on statistical computation, the study revealed that herbal plant decoction significantly affected the weight performance of broiler. Treatment 1 obtained the heaviest weight, followed by Treatment 4 and the least was from Treatment 2. The highest weight gain was obtained from Treatment 1(malunggay decoction) which is significantly higher than the use of garlic and makabuhay herbal plant.


Based on the result of the study, it was concluded that the use malunggay decoction as a source of drinking water for the broilers was more profitable and gives better resuts in terms of their weight increment.

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