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This study conducted from February 20, 2016 to March 23, 2016 at Jose Memorial State University, Tampilisan Campus. The study aimed to determine the growth performance , visceral organ charactiristic, and meat quality of broiler fed with different brands of commercial ration added with fermented plant juice. The study was limited only to the use of different brands of commercial ration added with fermented plant juice using 90 heads of broiler chicken. The expirement area was divided into eighteen (18) cages for the (6) treatments and three (3) replications adopting complete randomized design (CRD). The expiremental treatments were T1-B-Meg feeds, T2- General feeds, T3- Purina feeds, T4-40 ml of FPJ/kg of B-Meg feeds, T5 - 40 ml of FPJ/kg General feeds, T6 - 40 ml of FPJ/kg Purina feeds. Significant different where observed in the growth parameter such as daily water intake, average daily gain, average feed conversion ratio and average final live weight. The use of different brands of commercial ration added with fermented plant juice did not affect the visceral organ of the broiler. No significant differences also was found in the meat quality parameters such as color, taste, odor, tenderness, juiceness, texture, odor and over-all acceptability of the meat.


Aimed to determine the growth performance , visceral organ charactiristic, and meat quality of broiler fed with different brands of commercial ration added with fermented plant juice.


Complete Randomized Design (CRD)

Findings and Results:

1. B-MEG brands without fermented plant juice obtained the best result in the growth performance of broiler fed with different brands of commercial ration added with fermented plant juice. 2. There is a significant differences found in the growth parameters in broiler such as daily water intake, average daily gain, average feed conversion ration, and average final live weight. 3. The effect of different brand of commercial ration added with fermented plant juice was insignificantly different on the different visceral organ characteristics of broiler. 4. There is a no significant different brands of commercial ration added with fermented plant juice. 5. The highest ROC was obtained by treatment 1 with 18.32%


It was concluded that the use of different brands of commercial ration added with fermented plant juice affected the growth performance such as daily water intake, average daily gain, average feed conversion ratio, and average final live weight but it did not affect the visceral organ characteristics as well as the meat quality of boiler.

This research is published at the