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The study was entitled "Growth Performance of Native Chicken (Gallus domesticus) Supplemented with Varying Levels of Fresh Azolla (Azolla pinnata)." It was started on February 16, 2018 and ended on April 27, 2018 at Patik, Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte. The study was composed of four treatment and was replicated three times using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The four treatment are Treatment 0 (Control) Treatment 1 (96% feeds + 4 %fresh azolla), Treatment 2 (92% feeds + 8% fresh azolla), Treatment 3 (88% + 12% fresh azolla). Three birds were assigned in each treatment and replicated three times for the duration of 70 days or 10 weeks. At the end of the study, all parameters were analyzed and subjected to statistical analysis using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Significant results were proceeded to a comparison test called Duncan's Multiple Test (DMRT) to identify significant diffirence between treatments. Based on the result of the study, the weight gain observations showed significant result including the weight gain at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th weeks of the study. Significant results also appeared on the total weight gain but significant in order parameters such as water consumed, water unconsumed, feed consumed and azolla as revealed in the statistical analysisi which is ANOVA. Among the treatment, it was revealed that the highest return of investment was obtained by with 84.28%. TO was the highest Feed Consersion Ratio with 27.36 grams.


To determine the effect of azolla on the growth performance of Zampen chicken, and getting the data on weight gain in every 14days interval, feed consumption ratio, water consumption and cost and return of investment.


Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)

Findings and Results:

1. The result of the study, revealed that among all the parameters measured only weight gain showed significant result. It was directly notices at there was significant difference among the treatment in terms of weight gain. Treatment 3 has the heaviest weight gained among treatment with 12% supplementation of Azolla, and was followed by Treatment 2 with 8% Azolla supplement on its feed as well as Treatment 1 with 4% of Azolla supplement while treatment 0 has no Azolla and used 100% feeds. 2. On the feed conversion efficiency. it was observed that Treatment 0 has the highest FCR of 27.37 which means that Treatment 1 is not the best but they were all equal in terms of converting feeds into weight gain. 3. On the Return on Investment (ROI). it was revealed that T3 has the highest percent of Return on Investment with 84.28% while the rest of the treatment were lower. 4. Water consumed and unconsumed revealed insignificant difference. 5. On feed consumption, the results came to the statistically insignificant.


The researcher concluded that Azolla contributed a good effect on the growth performance of the Zampen chicken. Therefore, the researcher has as of the researcher attained his objectives.

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