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The study entitled "The effects of Varied Levels of Madre de Agua (Trichantera gigantea) As Feed Substitute on the Egg Quality and Laying Performance of quail." was conducted on February 20, 2016 and ends on May 18, 2016 at Brgy. Tuburan, Katipunan, Zamboanga del Norte. Sixty (60) of 11 weeks-old laying quails used as experimental birds and were purchased from Polanco, Zamnboanga del Norte. The birds were divided into four (4) groups which correspond to thier number of treatment and were replicated three times with (5) heads in each replication. Treatment: T0 Pure Commercial feeds, T1 - 5% madre de aqua leaf meal + (95% commercial feeds), T2 - 10% madre de agua leaf meal + (90% commmercial feeds), T3 - 15% madre de agua leaf meal + ( 85% commercial feeds). Complete Randomized Design (CRD) was used in the study. The study revealed that the application of madre de agua significantly affect the egg quality parameter i terms of yolk color only. Madre de aqua can be incorporated in the diet up to 15 percent level without any adverse effect on egg production performance. However, as the return on investment (ROI) was evaluated, Treatment 0 (control) obtained the highest with 35.00.


To determine the effects of madre de agua on the egg quality, laying capacity, feed and water consumption of quails and also to evaluate the Return On Investments (ROI).


Complete Randomized Design (CRD)

Findings and Results:

The study was given two weeks observation on the laying capacity of quails to determine whether there are changes in the egg production performance. The observation revealed that there are no significant differences in terms of laying capacity of quails before and after administration of madre de aqua.


The findings in this study clearly show that madre de agua showed significant result in the egg quality parameters in terms of yolk only. These parameters revealed that madre de aqua is effective in enhancing the yolk color. However, as the return on investment (ROI) of the four treatment was evaluated, Treatment 0 (control / no application of madre de aqua) obtained the highest with 35.00% indicating that in every peso investment generates 35.00 centavo of return.

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